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Astroparticles at the Pascal Institute

The Pascal Institute is a newly created conference centre within the Paris-Saclay University. Yann Mambrini and I will organise a programme on astroparticles from the 14th of October to the 8th of November 2019. The topics will be both Dark Energy and its connections to Modified Gravity including the consequences of the discovery of Gravitational Waves (GW) by LIGO/VIRGO, and Dark Matter. There will be at least one week or more which will be devoted to the connection to Beyond Standard Model issues. So we hope that model building, experimental and observational consequences, and underlying fundamental subjects will be covered. The Pascal Institute can host something like 30 people per week. We have started inviting physicists from all over the world. More invitations will follow. We hope that permanent researchers will encourage their students and post-docs to attend. Soon we will submit a list of participants to the Scientific Organising Committee comprising professors like Luca Amendola, Anne-Christine Davis, Sabino Matterese, Antonio Masiero and Carlos Munoz. Colleagues who would like to attend should get in touch with me or Yann soon. The format will be quite flexible with about one talk a day and plenty of time for discussions. For aficionados of conferences, we will have more talks on Fridays. The overall aim will be to generate new collaborations and foster existing ones. There will be also one or two talks for the general public every Friday evening. See you soon on the Saclay plateau!

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